Friday, June 25, 2010

Magneto for Prez!

Watching an episode of "Wolverine and the X-men" today I re-realized something that I never should have forgotten;

Magneto is King awesome of wicked-cool island.

As magneto decimated the X-men for what seems like the umpteenth time I decided that the only reason the X-men ever win is because they're the good guys. They as a team are no match for Magneto but Magneto will never come out on top because he was created as a villain and villains are meant to be defeated.

Let's take a quick look at just how easily Magneto could kill/defeat the X-men. Some of these have been done in the comics but some not so much:
  1. Ripping the metal out of wolverine and using it to smother the others.(The first part happened, not so much the second)
  2. Pulling all the metals out of their X-bodies at once ( I don't even want to think what that would do to a person)
  3. Cancel out the gravitational field and launch the X-chumps into deep space.
  4. Increase the above mentioned field and crush them into paste
  5. take a sliver of metal of any kind(preferably magnetic) and push it directly through their frontal lobe effectively lobotomizing them.
Anyhow I could probably sit here and type for hours about this grizzly business but I think I made my point(whatever that was supposed to be). Regardless Magneto should have definitely beaten the X-men and most every other force that opposed him time and again but he was written as a villain and what kind of message would we be sending the kids if we let the villains win?

bad guys are awesome!

anywho, Later days everyone. Hope to see you again soon!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Why women exist.

My life has been very interesting for the last month. Being on leave from work for this entire month , having the World Cup on TV, and my wife being gone on vacation to visit her family in Scotland is slowly but surely killing me. I don't have to get up for work so there's no reason to go to bed at a decent hour, and with World Cup starting at 5:30 most days why even go to bed at all. For the rare moments that I go to sleep I'm just going to get up in 2 hours and then return to the couch for soccer anyway so why not just sleep on the couch for 2 hours. When there's no soccer
I watch TV and play games(thankfully due to my wife's influence I'm sort of an adult and go for walks sometimes).
Also my eating habits have suffered slightly. I have no wife to cook for or cook for me so I decided to see if I could eat chilli for the entire time she's gone (with the exception of breakfast); I've had so much chilli my tears now smell vaguely of chilli. I'm doing this because quite often I'll have pizza or stew or some other delicious food and say that I could eat nothing but that forever and I'm proving that I can. I chose chilli because it was the food I could sneak the most vegetables into. My next post will probably be the results of the great chilli experiment so more on that later.

Needless to say without adult supervision I'm slowly wasting away. I'm very excited for my wife's return and realize that while my life as a bachelor would be pretty fun it would eventually lead to my demise, thus I prove that marrying this wonderful woman was not only a brilliant idea because she's beautiful and funny and I'll never do any better but it's also a form of self preservation. So let's raise our glasses and toast to women. I know I'm not the only man like this. I've seen them, wandering listlessly with no clear destination , slightly glassy eye's, wrinkled shirt and the vague smell of chilli or BBQ on their breath.So once again Thank goodness for women, they don't need to take care of us but they do make sure we take care of ourselves.

Later days everyone and stay tuned for the results of the great chilli month of 2010.

Friday, June 18, 2010

What's the deal kim...

I do not know why I can't hold a schedule. It's like I have some kind of disease that won't allow me to post a blog when I'm supposed to. So from now on if the blog is late I'm just going to say it's because of my rare anti-blogging disorder(antipostosis). let's move on.

This is probably old news now but, Iron man 2 is just excellent. Some people would say the first one is better (I'm one of those people) but I don't think that it is in fact better but simply lacking the magic and awe of the first one. The first one was fresh and new and exciting. The second one had all those things except the newness. in fact there were some much needed improvements made to the casting (Don Cheadle) but there was also a terrible choice of villain (whiplash) which was at best adequately portrayed by Mickey Rourke who apparently has no idea what a russian accent sounds like( I understand comrade, it's a tough one).seriously though, whiplash? Regardless of the terrible villain choice the movie was still very good and I highly recommend seeing it if you haven't (you have. I realize it took me forever). I would give this movie a solid 4 1/3 out of 6 2/8 (that's for you doc teeth).

Anyway that's about all I have to say in this tiny strange post. so I bid you all later days and hopefully I'll have more to post next monday...or whenever.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Alright, I'll buy the bread!

Okay fate, I get it. you've foiled me for the last time! I've been having trouble posting on a regular basis on Sundays. I've been shanghaied by friends, the sites been down I've forgotten it was Sunday (that last one's probably my fault). So I've decided that a Monday.Wednesday,Friday format would be better.That's right, my solution for not being able to post enough was to make a schedule that required me to post more what are you gonna do about it.Enough yik yakken' let's get to the proper blog stuff.

Red Dead Redemption
Sweet lordy loo! If you aren't playing this game right now you are failing at life, and I do mean right now. You should be reading this blog between shooting off the hat of that guy behind the rock taking pot shots at you and knife fighting that bear that's sneaking up behind you(bears are apparently the ninjas of the forest).

The Good: The graphics are clean and crisp and make you believe you are a cowboy in the old west. The vistas are beautiful and the sunrises and sunsets are just amazing. The weather patterns that flow around the game world are believable and realistic and you can see rain rolling in and ride out of it if you don't like a soggy gun slinger.

The world you ride in is wide open to you if you can see someplace, odds are you can get to it.There's obviously a barrier that prevents you from seeing outside the game world or worse escaping it but there's nothing that stands out as unrealistic or video gamey and the playable world is vast enough that it never seems cramped or restrictive.

The freedom they've given you to live out wild west fantasies is almost offensive in it's vastness. For instance; a man approached me in the wilds asking me to give him a ride into town because he was stranded. I acquiesced because I'm generally a nice guy and odds are an award would e coming as a thank you(I said I was generally nice not stupid). As the man reached me he promptly pulled me off my horse and rode away "stranding" me in the wilds. I ran after him but was obviously outstripped by a horse. That's when it struck me that wasn't my only horse. I whistled to call my extra horse and took chase. I found him standing in a ravine so I snuck up behind him and shot him in the knee, lassoed him and dragged him through the cacti until I came to some railroad tracks. I let him get up and then I shot him in the other knee, hogtied him and left him on the tracks never to be heard from again.(no one messes with the horse!)

The absolute tops though is the voice work. The voice work is so good it puts games like uncharted look like a big sack o' smashed raccoons.

Now there's still lots of good stuff to say about this game but it really would be way too long a blog if I didn't move onto....

The Bad: um...I'm sure there's something I can put here, Ah yes now I remember. There are some crazy bugs you can find. At one point I was in cover and a bandito took a shot at me which caused my cowboy to fly 60 feet into the air and plummet to his death. There's also the time I lost my horse until I looked up on the roof of a shack only to find him balancing on a crumbling wall, I had to lasso him and pull him down which killed him as he then fell off a cliff. My favorite though would have to be this (that's not me in the video).

The Verdict: All in all I'd give this game a 9 out of 10, It's not perfect but it's damn close. I'll be playing this probably for the rest of the year easily and with the amazing multiplayer it has; possibly longer. Rockstar finally put out a game that I've actually enjoyed playing the story from beginning to end and I hope this is the beginning of a trend for them. I'm pretty sure everyone's tired of running down pedestrians and beating hookers by now, yes?

Anyway I've just realized that due to a technical glitch with my computer causing me to have to restart from almost scratch I have missed yet another deadline and am posting this very early on tuesday instead of monday like I intended(Fate you are a tricky mistress) so I am forced to say later days for now and hopefully you're now all playing Red Dead Redemption.