Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Why women exist.

My life has been very interesting for the last month. Being on leave from work for this entire month , having the World Cup on TV, and my wife being gone on vacation to visit her family in Scotland is slowly but surely killing me. I don't have to get up for work so there's no reason to go to bed at a decent hour, and with World Cup starting at 5:30 most days why even go to bed at all. For the rare moments that I go to sleep I'm just going to get up in 2 hours and then return to the couch for soccer anyway so why not just sleep on the couch for 2 hours. When there's no soccer
I watch TV and play games(thankfully due to my wife's influence I'm sort of an adult and go for walks sometimes).
Also my eating habits have suffered slightly. I have no wife to cook for or cook for me so I decided to see if I could eat chilli for the entire time she's gone (with the exception of breakfast); I've had so much chilli my tears now smell vaguely of chilli. I'm doing this because quite often I'll have pizza or stew or some other delicious food and say that I could eat nothing but that forever and I'm proving that I can. I chose chilli because it was the food I could sneak the most vegetables into. My next post will probably be the results of the great chilli experiment so more on that later.

Needless to say without adult supervision I'm slowly wasting away. I'm very excited for my wife's return and realize that while my life as a bachelor would be pretty fun it would eventually lead to my demise, thus I prove that marrying this wonderful woman was not only a brilliant idea because she's beautiful and funny and I'll never do any better but it's also a form of self preservation. So let's raise our glasses and toast to women. I know I'm not the only man like this. I've seen them, wandering listlessly with no clear destination , slightly glassy eye's, wrinkled shirt and the vague smell of chilli or BBQ on their breath.So once again Thank goodness for women, they don't need to take care of us but they do make sure we take care of ourselves.

Later days everyone and stay tuned for the results of the great chilli month of 2010.


  1. You speak words of purest truth, brother!
    All hail our soft and squidgy overladies!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Dude, did you just say your lady was soft and squidgy? (I think I'll stand waaaaaaaaaaaaay over here so I'm not lumped in with you.)

  4. I did mention that being 'squidgy' makes me sound like...oh...some sort of stomach ailment...but at least he's right about the 'overladies' bit!

    Kim - if you need a proper meal not involving Chili, you can come to our house!

  5. Yay! Kim for dinner! And if we DO have chili, ALL our stomachs can be squidgy!

  6. I would never turn down dinner with you two. The company alone is worth it, But know that it's a self imposed chilli exile. If the offers up though that would be wonderful.
